李寅,香港六和宝典高级资料副教授,香港六和宝典高级资料上海市科技创新与公共管理研究中心副主任。先后于中国人民大学、美国马萨诸塞大学、美国佐治亚理工学院获得经济学学士、经济学硕士、科技政策学博士。研究领域包括创新经济学、产业政策、新兴技术治理等,主持国家自科青年项目、国家社科重大项目子课题、国家自科专项项目,入选中国科协科技智库青年人才计划。担任中国科学学与科技政策研究会科技政策专委会委员,《科学学研究》青年编委,中国生物工程学会合成生物学分会青年工作组委员,牛津大学出版社审稿人等学术职位。已在Research Policy、Technovation、JASIST、Issues in Science and Technology等科技创新研究领域的国内外权威期刊发表中英文论文多篇,独著《China’s Drive for the Technology Frontier: Indigenous Innovation in the High-Tech Industry》(中国通向技术前沿的驱动力:高科技产业中的自主创新)一书由英国Routledge出版社全球发行。
Yin Li is an Associate Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University. His research interest focuses on economics of innovation, industrial policy, and emerging technology governance. His research has been published in leading innovation study journals, including Research Policy, Technovation, and JASIST. He has received research funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key R&D Program. Li holds a bachelor in economics from Renmin University of China, a MA in Economics from University of Massachusetts, and PhD in Public Policy from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Yin Li. China’s Drive for the Technology Frontier: Indigenous Innovation in the High-Tech Industry (中国通向技术前沿的驱动力:高科技产业中的自主创新). Routledge, 2022.
媒体文章:If Tech Transfers Didn’t Build China’s Chip Industry, What Did?, Sixth Tone, 2022.
(10) 李寅:“智能革命还是‘规模’革命?——历史视野下的人工智能技术与产业演化”,《文化纵横》,2024年4月刊,第24-33页(CSSCI)
(09) 李寅:“洞察中国工业自主创新的微观视角”,《中国社会科学报》,2023年12月13日第7版
(08) 李寅,虞温和:“新型举国体制建设中如何借鉴发达国家经验?——美国创新网络政策案例研究”,《学术研究》,2023年第12期,第98-106页,人大复印资料《创新政策与管理》2024年05期转载(CSSCI)
(07) 李寅,祝若琰:“地方治理与企业创新:政商关系对企业专利行为影响的实证研究”,《复旦公共行政评论》,2023年第27辑,第321-354页,人大复印资料《创新政策与管理》2023年04期转载(CSSCI)
(06) 李寅:“当代美国经济不平等的缘起——‘新经济’和信息技术革命的漫长阴影”,《文化纵横》,2022年6月刊,第36-46页(CSSCI)
(05) 李寅:“重塑技术创新优势?——美国半导体产业政策回归的历史逻辑”,《文化纵横》,2021年4月刊,第50-60页,人大复印资料《创新政策与管理》2021年10期转载(CSSCI)
(04) 李寅,封凯栋,祝若琰:“员工所有制与复杂技术创新:理解作为创新型企业的华为”,《政治经济学报》,2021年第21卷,第59-78页(CSSCI)
(03) 李寅:“国际科研合作实体化:新兴高校跨国创新组织研究综述”,《复旦公共行政评论》,2021年第24辑,第252-274页(CSSCI)
(02) 威廉·拉佐尼克,李寅*,吴纪远:“创新型企业与可持续繁荣”,《演化与创新经济学评论》,2019年第02辑,第1-32页(*通讯作者)(CSSCI)
(01) 李寅:“高科技中小企业的研发创新战略: 基于纳米科技论文与专利的实证研究”,《 复旦公共行政评论》,2014年第12辑,第26-46页(CSSCI)
(17) Hongxu Liu, Guangyuan Hu, & Yin Li*, “The enhanced research impact of self-archiving platforms: Evidence from bioRxiv,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, online publication, 2024 (SSCI).
(16) Ruoyan Zhu, Yin Li*, & Li Tang, “Government-Business Relations and Strategic Patenting: Evidence from China’s Patent Boom,” International Journal of Emerging Markets, Online First, 2023 (SSCI).
(15) William Lazonick & Yin Li, “From Technology Transfers to Indigenous Innovation in China,” Entreprises et Histoire, 112, 18 - 33, September 2023.
(14) Li Tang, Jennifer Kuzma, Xi Zhang, Yin Li, Hongxu Liu, and Guangyuan Hu, "Synthetic biology and governance research in China: a 40?year evolution," Scientometrics, 128: 5293-5310, 2023 (SSCI)
(13) Yin Li, “The Problem With Subsidies,” Issues in Science and Technology, 39(2), 9-10, 2023 (SCI, SSCI).
(12) Yin Li and Kaidong Feng, “China’s Innovative Enterprises at the Frontiers: Lessons from Indigenous Innovation in Telecom-Equipment and Semiconductor Industries,” China Review, 22(1), 11-37, 2022 (SSCI).
(11) Kaidong Feng, Yin Li*, and William Lazonick, "Transforming China's Industrial Innovation in the New Era," China Review, 22(1), 1-10, 2022 (SSCI).
(10) Kaidong Feng & Yin Li*. “Employee Ownership and Industrial Innovation: Huawei in the US-China Technology Rivalry”, China Review, 20 (4), 39–67, 2020 (SSCI)
(09) Sanjay Arora, Yin Li, Jan Youtie & Philip Shapira. Measuring dynamic capabilities in new ventures: exploring strategic change in US green goods manufacturing using website data. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, 1451–1480, 2020. (SSCI)
(08) Sergey Kolesnikov, Seokkyun Woo, Yin Li, Philip Shapira & Jan Youtie. “Mapping the emergence of international university research ventures”. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(4), 1134–1162, 2019. (SSCI)
(07) Alan L. Porter, Jon Garner, Nils C. Newman, Stephen F. Carley, Jan Youtie, Seokbeom Kwon & Yin Li. “National nanotechnology research prominence”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31(1): 25-39, 2019. (SSCI)
(06) Yin Li, Sanjay Arora, Jan Youtie & Philip Shapira. “Using Web Mining to Explore Triple Helix Influences on Growth in Small and Mid-Size Firms,” Technovation, 76-77: 3-14, 2018. (SSCI/SCI)
(05) Jan Youtie, Yin Li, Juan Rogers, & Philip Shapira. “Institutionalization of International University Research Ventures,” Research Policy, 46(9): 1692-1705, 2017. (SSCI, FT50)
(04) Arho Suominen, Yin Li, Jan Youtie & Philip Shapira. “A Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of Next Generation Active Nanotechnologies,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18: 270, 2016. (SCI)
(03) Sanjay Arora, Yin Li*, Jan Youtie, & Philip Shapira. “Using the Wayback Machine to mine websites in the social sciences: A methodological resource,” Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(8), 1904-1915, 2016. (SSCI)
(02) Yin Li, Philip Shapira & Jan Youtie. “Why do technology firms publish scientific papers? The strategic use of science by small and midsize enterprises in nanotechnology,” The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(6), 1016-1033, 2015. (SSCI)
(01) Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie & Yin Li. “Social Science Contributions Compared in Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology,” Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2(1), 143-148, 2015. (SSCI)
(4) Yin Li. “Semiconductor Industry: A Strategic Look at China’s Supply Chain,” in Francesca Spigarelli & John McIntyre, eds., The New Chinese Dream: Industrial Transition in the Post-Pandemic Era, Palgrave, 2021.
(3) Yin Li. “Innovative Firms and High-tech Industrial Hubs in China,” in Arkebe Oqubay & Justin Yifu Lin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, Oxford University Press, 2020.
(2) Yin Li. “State, Market, and Business Enterprise: Development of the Chinese Integrated Circuits Foundries,” in Yu Zhou, William Lazonick, & Yifei Sun, eds., China As an Innovation Nation, Oxford University Press, 2016.
(1) Matt Hopkins and Yin Li. “The Rise of the Chinese Solar Photovoltaic Industry: Firm, Government, and Global Industry,” in Yu Zhou, William Lazonick, & Yifei Sun, eds., China As an Innovation Nation, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Yin Li. If Tech Transfers Didn’t Build China’s Chip Industry, What Did?, Sixth Tone, 2022.
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